Chris's Place

^Scooby's^ Story

My Family
Maggie and Elvis
More Maggie and Elvis
^Scooby's^ Story
More ^Scooby^
^Ellie's^ Story
^Dusty's^ Story
^Tiger's^ Story
Rainbow Bridge


October 24th 2004 – March 27th 2009


He arrived at our house on December 19th as an early Christmas present!  He is a cock-a-poo.  On the top of his head is an angel wing that is white. I believe it was a bridge kiss from my beloved Dusty. He also has a white patch on his chest that is so pretty.  I was hesitant to get a new puppy because I felt like I was trying to replace Dusty.  I now know that Scooby was sent to me by Dusty and that he will never replace him, but he will fill that little gap that was left when Dusty crossed the bridge. Scooby has been a very good puppy.  At 6 months he was pretty well trained and loves to chase the ball. His favorite ball is a blue racket ball, we can say where is your blue ball and he will find it. One thing about this ball, it belonged to Squeaky, who I lost over 30 years ago. He even had his first haircut at Easter. On May 3rd 2004 we lost our Tiger so they never really had a chance to be friends but Scooby would sit and let Tiger bat him back and forth on the face until he got tired of it and would walk away. He slept in his kennel until he was about 6 months old and then he got to go sleep with his mama, he lays there all night and does not get up. Mama can even hold his paw and he does not pull away. Sometimes he flips over and lies on his back, all 4 legs up in the air and those are some long legs!!! Scooby spends the whole day looking out the window! He sits in the chair with mama whenever she watches TV. He loves to sit in the chair and have popcorn with mama! When he was almost one we got a new kitty named Ellie and he was so good to her, we lost that baby a few months later and got her brother and sister and Scooby loves to pose for pictures with them, he is such a good boy! Scooby loves to sit on the cat tower while Jordan eats, wonder why!! He knows only Jordan and Mama will give him food. When Rachael has ice cream Scooby and the cats come running as she gives him some! He loves to have freeze pops with the kids outside on hot days! Scooby loves to eat and will spend the day in front of the stove if mama is making a turkey or roast. Scooby loves his Kong with Peanut Butter in it too. There are a few types of bones that we cannot buy, it is like he gets possessed by them and goes crazy! The only bad habit Scooby has is barking!! He barks at everyone, no matter how many times they have been here! He can hear daddy’s truck coming from miles away! The daycare kids just love him and he is so good to them. He loves to play outside and can run so fast with those long legs of his. Mama takes him for walks in the summer and he sure is a scardy cat for acting so tough at home. Jordan has taught him how to spin in a circle and to shake hands! We went on a few short vacations and took Scooby to Rovers but mama did not have a good time as she knew he did not like it there. He is mama’s spoiled boy!! On February 2nd we went to the vet as I noticed his lymph nodes were big, bad news, he had cancer. I gave him his pills and gave him the best food and sat with him at night but he was still taken from us. It went very peaceful and I let him go as he was starting to be in pain and so uncomfortable. I have cried for days and miss that sweet baby so very much. I just want to snuggle my face in his fur, sleep cuddled up with him and have one of those sweet Scooby kisses. We will never forget you and your love and will love you forever





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