June 27th 2004 to November 5th 2004
This is Ellie. She was our Himalayan Persian kitty and was born on June 27th 2004. We got her
on Labor Day,September 6th 2004. On November 5th we lost her after a week of doctoring. She was spayed the week before
and was getting more ill by the day and they could not figure out what was wrong with her. It ended up possibly being a bad
infection or a leak in her small intestine.
We loved this little girl so much and are deeply saddened by her loss.She was such a sweet kitty and was
so good. Her and Scooby played so well together. She used to run up to him and do her little dance to get his attention and
so he would chase her behind the couch. Everytime we played with Scooby and she heard the squeak of his toys she would come
running! She chased after the toys with him and then ran and sat in his toy bucket. She slept with the
kids and slept on her back like a person. Ellie we loved you so much and will never forget you,our sweet Ellie Mae.